Wednesday 9 May 2007

New to blogging

I'm new to all of this blogging lark and I was wondering how I can get people to look at my blog? I'll need to do some research. I thought there would be a search facility on the front/home page or something, but I can't really find anything. How do I search out other peoples blogs?

Well, I've not booked the flight and some accommodation for the trip to Poland for walking in the Polish Tatras. Flying with Ryan Air - from Stansted flight at 6.10am. Leave Horsham at 1am - great! Booked the flight direct on the Ryan Air website -coming in at about £71, only to have to add on another tenner as I wanted to take luggage! Honestly! Why didn't they mention that in the price to start with, cheap airline? Watch out! British Airways were only £30 more expensive and that was from Gatwick - crap flight times though. The accommodation we booked through and chose the cheap, but well rated Seventh Heaven Hostel in Krakow. will let you know what it is like when I am back.

It's useful having your own outdoor gear website, as I've been reading that you need to take a lightweight sleeping bag, I'm taking a Rab Quantum 250, lucky me, and a karrimat to sleep on in the mountain huts if there are no beds. I get the pick of the outdoor gear. That'll do me. I like Rab Sleeping bags, they are the best, well made and lovely to sleep in. (I think it is a fabric thing, goes well with the silk liner).

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